This Artichoke Pesto Leek Frittata has been giving us life lately. Mornings around this house can get a little crazy at times….I mean I’d be a big fat liar if I told you that we have it together
Our mornings usually consist of looking for a missing shoe for a half hour and trying to get all the knots out of my daughters hair. Then try adding some good wholesome food into their little bodies before they spend all day at school. 7:30 am really can be killer sometimes. That’s why, when I meal prep, I usually make some sort of frittata. Why a frittata you ask? Because it’s SO simple to make (you really could add whatever you’d like to it) and it can chill in your fridge for about a week!
This frittata is a little more special because it uses my ARTICHOKE PESTO in it!! And yes, I know what you are thinking….Jenn, isn’t that too much artichoke? No, no it isn’t!! There can never ever be too much artichoke. #artichokeforpresident. I pinky swear, and cross my heart, that you will love it with all the extra artichokes!
Remember at the beginning of this post (I mean how could you forget already), how I talked about making frittata’s during my meal prep. I do it because when I’m having a hot mess of a morning I can just tell the kids to grab a slice, some fruit and eat it. Easy enough for them and gives me more time to find that dang missing shoe!!
It even freezes nicely. Once cooled, just slice up and stick in the freezer. To defrost, simply put it in your fridge overnight, then re-heat in the morning! Technically you don’t even have to re-heat it! Just do the ol’ grab’n’go and eat it cold!
- 8 eggs, whisked
- 1 can of quartered artichoke hearts in water
- 2 leeks, sliced
- 1 tbl oil or ghee
- 1/4 c artichoke pesto
- 1 tsp sea salt
- 4 basil leaves, chiffonade
- Heat up your oil or ghee in an oven safe skillet.
- Once hot, add in your sliced leeks and let cook 3-5 minutes or until they start to get soft.
- Drain your can of artichokes and add them to your leeks. Mix in the 1/4 cup of pesto. Let cook for another 3 or so minutes.
- Crack your eggs into a bowl and whisk. Add the eggs to the artichoke and leek mixture and move the skillet around until the eggs are evenly distributed.
- Lower heat to med-low, cover and let cook for 10 minutes.
- After 10 minutes is up, remove lid and stick under the broiler until the top gets nice and golden brown.
- Top with fresh basil leaves and sea salt.

But now I want to know; I need to know; what are your favorite things to put in a frittata? Tell me all your frittata ingredient secrets!
Whole30: yes
Paleo: yes
What Pesto is recommended that is Whole 30 approved? Thanks!
Hi!! As long as you keep cheese out, it should be whole30 approved!! I have an artichoke pesto I just posted before this frittata that is EXCELLENT!