My grandpa used to make stuffed cabbage rolls (or holubky) and they were off. the. wall. good. Family members would fight over who got the leftovers whenever he whipped them up!
And even though nothing will ever compare to my grandpa’s cabbage rolls, the ones I made tonight will have to be 2nd best. And I’m okay with that!!
Most cabbage rolls are stuffed with a ground pork and rice mixture. I wanted to change it up a bit by stuffing it with pulled pork instead. That’s the great thing about cabbage rolls; you can pretty much put anything in them and they will probably turn out pretty scrumptious! If pork is not your “thang” you can do shredded chicken or even shredded beef! My kids really enjoy eating these because they can pick them up and eat them like a burrito.
- head of cabbage, leaves removed
- 1-2 lbs pork butt or shoulder, fat removed, and cut into 4 chunks
- 1 white onion, sliced
- 2 tbl paprika
- 2 tbl Italian seasoning
- 1 tsp salt and pepper
- 2 large carrots, chopped finely
- 1 cup water
- fresh parsley
- 1 6 oz can tomato paste
- 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk (I like New Barn)
- 1 tbl italian seasoning
- 1 cup broth from crockpot
- --Stick your cut pork shoulder or butt into your crock pot with the diced onion, salt and pepper, and 1 cup water
- --Cook on low for about 6-8 hours. One hour before meat is done, take out and shred with 2 forks. Return to crock pot and add in finely chopped carrot, paprika and Italian seasoning.
- --Blanch your cabbage leaves by steaming them for approx 3 min then sticking them in very cold water or an ice bath.
- --Take your meat and place in your leaf. Roll it up and put in a baking dish seam side down.
- --Pour a little of the juice from the crockpot into the bottom of the baking dish and stick in a 375° oven for 8-10 min. (It doesn't need very long because the meat is already cooked)
- --While the rolls are cooking, make you sauce by adding in tomato paste, unsweetened almond milk, italian seasoning, and broth from the crockpot. Stir and let simmer until rolls are done.
- Top rolls with the sauce and garnish with fresh parsley.
You could also pour the sauce over the rolls before you stick into the oven!

Whole30: yes
Paleo: yes