Chocolate Avocado Pudding…. I’ve seen it around before, but it just seemed too “weird,” that is until the other day.
I had used 1/2 an avocado for my lunch and had the other half that wasn’t being used, so I thought to myself, “I should totes make some pudding” And so I did. The end.

chocolate avocado pudding

Just kidding.  It’s not the end. I was so surprised at how delicious this was. Even my stud of a husband liked it. And he usually says no, no, no to that kind of stuff.
So lets make some avocado pudding…..

chocolate avocado pudding


Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes


  • 1/2 large avocado, diced
  • 1/2 cup coconut almond milk (I like califa farms) + another 1/2 cup for later.
  • 1/2 bag of your favorite chocolate chips.
  • OPTIONAL: a spoonful of nut butter


  1. Melt chocolate in a small saucepan on med-low heat. Add 1/2 cup coconut almond milk to pan. Stir until melted.
  2. In a magic bullet (blender, ninja, whatever you have works too) take diced avocado and put into cup. Add melted chocolate and another 1/2 cup coconut milk.
  3. Blend until smooth. It will be mousse like.
  4. Stick in fridge to cool down and top with strawberries or raspberries.


(If using nut butter put it in with melted chocolate)
Also note that if you use 100% cacao it will be very bitter. You will need to add a bit of coconut sugar to it. Maybe even a little vanilla extract.

chocolate avocado pudding

Whole30: no
Paleo: yes

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  1. This pudding is just awsome! Our special treat for a perfect sunday afternoon. Thanks Jen all the recipes I have tryed so far are so yummy! Your blog is my motivation to cook paleo every day for my family, (me, two toddlers and my husband). 🙂

    1. Thanks Pia!! It means a lot when I hear that people are enjoying my recipes! So, thank you!!! Keep on rockin’ 🙂

    1. Hi Rose, even though the ingredients are compliant, re-creating desserts during your whole30 is not allowed. It’s like re-creating pancakes. You don’t want to feed your “sugar dragon” and making something like this could do so! It’s great after your whole30 though 🙂

  2. Half a bag of your favorite chocolate chips… I have a bag from Costco! What would this look like… half a cup?

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